Bellringing Books
Steve Coleman

(There are five)

Picture of the five bell ringing books:

The Bellringer's
Early Companion

The Bellringer's
Bedside Companion

Method Ringer's

The Bob Caller's

Ringing in History

All beautifully bound and printed, 440 page hardback books.
Splendidly supportive and encouraging.
Packed with advice, information and help.
All written in Steve's easy-to-read, enjoyable and exceptionally clear style - with no swaps.

And here's a - very small - sample of what others have said

"At last a writer who knows how I feel and who really cares."

"When I mess something up I go back home and read the chapter and know that Steve understands. It's like listening to a friend"

"If only I'd had these books 20 years ago."

"Everything is explained so clearly ... I've recommended it to the whole band."

"Absolutley fascinating. A whole world of information that no-one ever told me about before."

"For my money it's the best ringing book ever written."

"The extraordinary thing is that it's not just helpful, it's fun. My wife and I keep reading bits out to each other."

" ... so well written and so funny. My children keep asking what I'm laughing about."

And in each book

The Bellringer's
Early Companion

Picture of The Bellringer's Early Companion

Recently reprinted yet again and now bound in its original bright red cloth,
it's the book that holds your hand through your first couple of ringing years.
Steve guides you gently and clearly through all the things you need to know.
He understands, he cares, he sympathises and he helps you with all the wonders and stresses of the real world.
Even better, he's really entertaining and funny as he does it.

(And it's excellent for Ringing Instructors too)

And in case you want extra detail, the subjects include:

* Handling Help * Plain Hunt * Ringing Up
* Leading * Ringing Down * Difficult Bells
* Trebling * Tenor Behind * Listening & Striking
* Ringing Knots * A Trip Upstairs * The Very Beginning
* Ropes & Splicing * Feeling Low * Belfry Maintenance
* Weddings & Funerals * Being a New Band * Giving a Talk
* Method Dancing * and much else besides

The Bellringer's
Bedside Companion

Picture of The Bellringer's Bedside Companion

The book for ringers of all stages -
which is probably why it's the biggest selling ringing book of all time.
Now in its seventh edition, it covers all those vital subjects that no one ever tells you about.
Steve is kind, caring and understanding as well as being hugely entertaining and funny.

And as to subjects, it's got:

* Ropesight * Method Learning * Up & Down in Peal
* Ringing Safety * Call Changes * Leading Up & Down
* Ringing Teas * Ringing half-muffled * * Ringing Etiquette
* Slipping Wheel * Ringing Panic * Tower Captaincy
* Firing * Arranging Outings * Ringing Left-handed
* Standing behind * and much else besides

Method Ringer's

Picture of The Method Ringer's Companion

This isn't a book of blue lines -
although they're in there if you want them.
Instead, it's the ultimate how-to book for method ringing.
Steve knows your problems!
He understands how difficult and slow progress can be, and he knows what to say to help.
No matter what your problems, Steve has the answers.
And he gently and sympathetically holds your hand as you work through them.
He'll make you laugh too.
Many, many ringers have had the scales fall from their eyes by reading this book.

And in case you want to know, it includes:

* Plain Bob * Grandsire * Stedman
* The Other Doubles * The Plain Minor * Doubles Variations
* Kent and Oxford * The Classic Triples * The Basic Major
* Surprise Minor * Surprise Major * Listening
* Striking * Method Naming * The Fun Methods
* On the Wild Side * and much else besides

The Bob Caller's

Picture of The Bob Caller's Companion

Never called anything at all?
Never called much?
Want to call better?
Want to know how to put people right?
If any of those, this book is for you.

Absolutely no calling experience is required.
It's not a book for super-brains.
It's a book for ordinary ringers like you and me doing their best in the ordinary world of ringing.
Steve guides you gently and entertainly through everything you need to know.
He soothes away your stresses.
He gives away absolutely every conducting secret.
You'll suddenly find conducting much, much easier than you ever thought possible.

And as to particular bits, it's got:

* The Basic Basics * Calling a Plain Course * Helping the Band
* Bob Doubles * Grandsire Doubles * Writing Touches Down
* Bob Minor * On a Sunday * Calling a Quarter Peal
* The Other Doubles * Stedman and Kent * The Other Minor
* Bob Triples & Major * Other Triples & Major * On Ten and Twelve
* Surprise * Putting Right * Composing
* Calling half-muffled * and much else besides

Ringing in History

Picture of The Ringing in History Companion

This is sort-of a history book, and sort-of it isn't.
It's the interesting, fun and exciting bits of ringing history, with the boring bits missed out.
It's not the history of posh ringers.
It's the history of ordinary ringers caught up in extraordinary times.
And it's about how ringing meshed in with the great sweep of history.

Packed with fascinating ringing stories from medieval times to the mid-twentieth century,
Steve tells them in his usual easy-to-read, enjoyable and exceptionally clear style.
This is ringing history as it's never been told before.
Remarkable archive material revealed for the very first time.

Chapters include:

* When the Ringing had to Stop
* A Ringer Imprisoned
* The Very First Tower Grabber
* On Special Occasions
* What Queen Elizabeth I Heard
* The Very First Woman
* Huntin', Shootin' and Ringin'
* The Great Myth
* On the Sixth Day of Christmas
* Washerwomen, Sextons and Lunatics
* and much else besides

"It's a masterpiece!"

"I have read it from cover to cover and found it difficult to put the book down. So full of interesting facts that I never knew - it must have taken you years."

"Last night I just sat there (even missing Poirot). I was riveted."

"Last night I stayed up 'til two o'clock reading it."

"A really remarkable achievement."

"I just couldn't put it down."

"It's the first page-turner history book I've ever come across."

"I recommend it to everybody."


You can phone us any time on 01452 831197.
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And we will send your books in the next post.

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just phone or email for the bank details -
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You can always trust a bellringer!


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We have male and female birthday wrapping paper.

And we can send direct - with a card - to whoever you're giving to.
Just tell us the date you want us to post your present.


£14.95 each. (Post free, UK).


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10% 3 books or more,
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Surface Mail: £24.95 post free. Sterling only.
We're very sorry but there are no discounts on overseas orders.

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Air mail is rather expensive and we're sorry it's so much.

And People Have Said

"Thank you very much for your speedy responses and deliveries."

"Thank you so much, the book arrived on the very day and Adrian was delighted
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your idea of gift wrapped far surpasses any online store I've ever dealt with before."

"Just as efficient as Amazon and sooooo much more personal!!"

"Thank you for your very personal and excellent service."

"They were beautifully packaged and arrived well in advance of the date required so all round we can safely say we were very pleased."

"Thanks again for your prompt attention & lovely gift wrapping."


Link to Ringing Resources website

Link to G&B - The Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers website

Link to Whites - The Whites of Appleton website who rehung our bells at Littledean.

Link to Whitechapel - Now as Bells of Whitechapel and concentrating on - exceedingly fine - smaller bells.These were the people who cast Littledean's two new trebles and the original six were retuned.

This page last amended 11 July 2024